Monday, January 18, 2010

Hey so its monday

So its been a good three day weekend. I don't know about anyone else, but its been good.
Lots of sleep, lots of mario, and lots of sleep. Im working on some art in ceramics and typography classes at the moment so soon there should be some stuff up here, not that anyone is reading anyway :P so. On that note though this semester is reminding me how much I really like ceramics. As for now I have a crap ton of new music to listen too thanks too one of my brothers (thank you Jon Friesz)

Ill be back with a new post soon, maybe even before Monday.

P.S. the Book of Eli is pretty good.


  1. I'm not sure how I feel about The Book of Eli. While it did have it's action at the beginning (i.e. the killing of Mr. Bigglesworth) I was interested more about the book. It did have a good plot to it, but I didn't like the ending where the girl (who will never stop being annoying Jackie from That 70's Show) decides to dress just like him and eerily disappear into the sun scorching desert.
    If you think about it, she probably died soon afterwards, because she couldn't protect herself worth a crap to begin with. Just because you have the clothes of a dead guy, doesn't gaurantee you superpowers....Unless you're which it can be debated that he had no superpowers to begin with....making your first point inaccurate.

    oh...btw....hello :)

  2. lol Sorry I just noticed your comment.

    I havent read the book or anything. but your right about the girl... she probably did die soon after.
