Friday, January 28, 2011

And The Final Bottle

The Bottle project is done!


I don't know if this is done but I have a tee shirt design that I'm working on. It's whatever I want to do, so...

I'm excited to get it printed.

And finally, James finally got the tattoo I designed for him.

Warning its a terrible quality, its from my cell phone.

Have a nice day
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Less than a week and a new blog post?!?!?

Holy crap. I never thought this would happen...

I have some more stuff to post.

First off the bottle project I posted earlier is an on going project. I have the next step to post.

This one has a label.

There will be another version put up probably before Monday, the final version.

The other thing I have to put up is my first project for logo and trademark design.
Letter Number Combination...

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Two weeks into school

Alright so.

It's been two weeks into this semester and I actually have a lot of stuff going.

First off I'm about to finish week three of P90X! WOOT!

But anyway, back to what this blog is about. I only have stuff from Package Design and Digital Prepress right now. The first project in Logo and Trademark just started up, and I don't have anything documented from my printmaking class yet.

So here's what I do have.

First off, my bumper sticker design for Digital Prepress.

O yea...

And then here is one of our first projects for Package Design.

First we had to take a bottle.

Then here is my copy done in illustrator.

Comment, and hopefully soon I'll have other stuff to put up.

And Maybe someday I'll actually get those photos of the last few watercolors I did last semester. -_-

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Its a new semester

Okay it's been a long, long, long, long time since I've updated.

But I was on break, so sue me...

Anyway, I don't have my watercolor paintings I talked about in my last post, but I do have the tee shirt and patch design for the 2011 Conclave.

So here you go.



I'm going to have a lot of stuff to post this semester.
So look forward to more posts again.

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