Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Oh hey look I have a blog...

Okay so... I haven't posted anything all semester...

In all fairness I'm making a web site this next semester, so look for that soon...

But for now I'm not going to load all of this semesters stuff into this page, but I will load it all in to the full portfolio link on the side of the page.


But here are a few things.

First some animation stuff...
These two are going to be on my youtube channel, tyler151ljb, so check them out there too.

Kinetic Type

And my How to animation

Next I have some publication design stuff.
Most of these projects I printed, but I can't put the prints on here... But I have pdfs and such so...

Here is my brochure


and Outside

Let me explain the weird shape, the four sides fold in to make a square and all of the guitar bodies line up with the neck of the guitar on the inside. I know that doesn't make all that much sense, but it's pretty cool... Ill put some pictures of the actual thing up later.
Like I said earlier, I'll put up everything else up in my full portfolio.

Thanks for reading, I know its been a while.
Like I said should have a site soon :)

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